Some graffiti is art. But most graffiti is ugly and brings down the value of property and neighbourhoods. Having graffiti removed from properties costs individuals, businesses and government bodies millions upon millions of dollars each year. Graffiti is rife in cities, and although most cities have anti-graffiti programs, vandalism is still prevalent.
There is hope to save some dollars on the removal of graffiti as better and better anti-graffiti coatings are coming to the market. These coatings are designed to prevent vandals from defacing public and private property. An anti-graffiti coating is a coating that prevents graffiti from bonding to surfaces. The types of coatings that are currently available include coatings that are within a paint or a clear coating that can be applied on top of existing paint or property exteriors, fences etc.
What types of coatings are available?
There are two different types of coatings available – sacrificial and permanent. Sacrificial is applied to the surface you wish to protect and then it is easily cleaned off with high-pressure cleaning when graffiti occurs. The graffiti and sacrificial coating ends up being removed in the process, and then a new sacrificial coating must be applied. Permanent coatings prevent graffiti vandalism from adhering to the surface in the first place.
The newest type of coatings are created to form a gel on the surface of the building or fence allowing good cleaning efficiency and water-repellance. They provide sufficient adherence without damage to the structure and are resistant to UV ageing and weathering. Companies also aim to create coatings that are environmentally friendly.
Permanent coatings are usually more costly than sacrificial coatings, but if used appropriately only have to be applied once. After a surfaced has had graffiti applied, all that is needed to remove it is a simple solvent and cleaning. As the spray paint will not be able to bond to the structure’s surface, the underlying surface and protective coating will remain undamaged.
What types of paints are used in graffiti?
There are two types of paint that generally used in graffiti – water-based such as latex or acrylic paint, and oil-based paints. The vandal will usually choose what type of paint they use based on the structure and its surface that they wish to paint. Paints have a basic structure made up of pigment (colours), binder (the glue that holds the paint together) and solvent (the bulk of the paint which forms the coating). Water is the solvent for water-based paints, whereas oil is the solvent for oil-based paints. Anti-graffiti coatings stop the adherence of paints to a surface, stopping permanent damage.
What can I do to help stop graffiti damaging my property?
The best thing you can do is have a professional such as Graffiti Pro advise on the best type of anti-graffiti coating for the structure that is being frequently vandalised. The professional technician can also clean the surface and prepare it correctly for the new anti-graffiti coating, ensuring that it is done right from the outset.
If you are experiencing problems with graffiti please feel free to give us a call and a member of our team can advise you on the best steps to get started on tackling the issue with care and professionalism. Phone 1300 685 816 or send an online enquiry.